About the Code

What is the Code of Conduct?

Medicines Australia’s Code of Conduct sets the standards for the ethical marketing and promotion of prescription pharmaceutical products in Australia. It complements the legislation requirements of the Therapeutic Goods Regulations and the Therapeutic Goods Act.

Code provisions include standards for appropriate advertising, the behaviour of medical representatives and relationships with healthcare professionals. Medicines Australia’s Code of Conduct, which was established in 1960, has been revised on a regular basis.

The Code of Conduct Edition 19 is available here.

Australia’s innovative pharmaceutical companies support the quality and safe use of medicines. As the custodians of our medicines we conduct ourselves ethically, appropriately communicating relevant information to those relying on our medicines, including patients, their carers and families, healthcare professionals and the broader community. We join together, as Medicines Australia, make sure that our conduct is of the highest standard and that the environment in which we provide access to our medicines is sustainable and fair. The Australian pharmaceutical industry participates in and is recognised by the National Medicines Policy as a vital part of achieving these aims. This Code is the embodiment of our ongoing efforts to ensure we meet these obligations and achieve these goals appropriately and ethically.

Medicines Australia is a member of the Australian Ethical Health Alliance, which aims to improve healthcare in Australia through articulation and affirmation of ethical principles that promote the interests of patients and consumers, enhance access to safe and effective healthcare, encourage ethical collaboration in the healthcare sector and build public trust. More information about the AEHA can be found on their website.

Any Queries?

If you have any questions relating to the Code of Conduct please contact Medicines Australia on (02) 6147 6500, or send an email to the Code Helpdesk at Medicines Australia.

For more information on Code-related education and training opportunities, the Code’s complaints mechanism and how to make a complaint, transparency reporting and the various Code Committees, please visit the Code menu page here.