The Research & Development Taskforce (RDTF) is a multi-sector collaboration between Medicines Australia, AusBiotech and the Medical Technology Association of Australia (MTAA). The membership consists of research and development experts, particularly in clinical trials, and offers a unique industry perspective to stakeholders across Federal and State Governments as well as the broader health and research and development sector.
Please contact Constantine Tablan, Manager, Policy – Clinical Trials and Supply Chains at Medicines Australia, for more information about the RDTF.
RDTF position on Supporting Clinical Trials During the COVID19 Pandemic
Clinical trials remain critical in the path to bringing innovative drugs, vaccines and therapies to consumers and patients in Australia in a safe and regulated manner. Given the anticipated growing impact of COVID-19 on the health system and a range of services, Clinical Trial Sponsors are working with their doctors and nurses to prepare for disruption to normal research activities due to this pandemic. At all times, the safety and continuity of care of clinical trial participants is the key concern of Clinical Trial Sponsors and clinical trial centre staff.
Clinical Trial Sponsors are committed to the delivery of clinical research and will work to ensure that the clinical trials already underway are managed as well as can be during the pandemic. Clinical Trial Sponsors are working closely with clinical trial centre staff to understand what additional support can be provided to overcome the challenges that are presenting due to COVID-19 disruptions.
Clinical Trial Sponsors acknowledge and will comply with all federal and state health directives and will maintain a watch and act position in relation to these directives
The Research & Development Taskforce has formed a COVID-19 Working Group to support the clinical trials sector as the effects of the COVID -19 pandemic are felt around the nation.
The Working Group will seek to engage with representatives from all sectors including, Pharmaceutical, CRO, Medical Device and Biotechnology companies, Phase I units, Governments and Health Depts, Ethics committees and Governance, and Academic groups.
Click here to view the RDTF position statement on Supporting Clinical Trials During the COVID-19 Pandemic
For recent media engagement relating to COVID-19 go here.
The National One Stop Shop
The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare is conducting national consultations on behalf of all jurisdictions to scope the requirements for a national health and human research approvals platform – a National One Stop Shop. The aim of the National One Stop Shop is to make it easier for patients, researchers, industry representatives and sponsors to find, conduct, participate and invest in high quality and ethical research in Australia.
The RDTF strongly supports the focus and investment in the National One Stop Shop as a significant step forward in making the necessary improvements to increase Australia’s global competitiveness in clinical trials.
The primary objectives of the One Stop Shop and Front Door should be to ensure the Australian clinical research environment is efficient, cost-effective and operates to world’s best practice now and in the long-term. To achieve this, the following principles should be implemented:
- Efficient start up: Clinical trials must be able to commence quickly and efficiently across many clinical trial centres around Australia.
- Capacity: Australia needs to be able to connect participants with appropriate clinical trials in an efficient and timely manner.
- Competitiveness: Australia must compete internationally with other countries on a cost basis.
- Continuous review: To remain competitive over time, the National One-Stop Shop will need to be continually reviewed against the needs of the clinical trials sector and the changing international environment.
The RDTF’s position paper on the National One Stop Shop is available here.