How we engage with the media

Medicines Australia recognises the important role of the media in our society and welcomes the interest of media in matters relating to Australia’s innovative pharmaceutical industry.

We work with trade and mainstream media outlets to inform and educate interested stakeholders about matters related to the pharmaceutical industry including policy developments, industry positions, research and data, programs such as clinical trials and other related topics.

Medicines Australia’s approach

We take a fair, impartial and respectful approach to working with media.

We respond to all media enquiries in a timely manner and will always seek to meet requested deadlines.

We understand the media’s need for unique angles and responses, and will proactively share news about issues of importance to our members and the wider health sector.

Medicines Australia does not comment on specific medicines, health conditions, TGA approvals or PBS listings.

Where we are unable or unavailable to comment on an issue, where appropriate we will assist to put a journalist in contact with another organisation better suited to respond or reach out to our members for enquiries that relate to specific products.


Our CEO and Chairperson are the only authorised spokespeople to talk to media on behalf of Medicines Australia.

Medicines Australia will respond to questions in writing, requests for opinion pieces and requests for interviews.

All media enquiries should be sent to or directly to our Senior Manager Communications and Media.

Any approaches by media to other employees at Medicines Australia and Board Directors will be redirected to the Senior Manager Communications and Media.


Pharmaceutical companies operating in Australia are required to follow the Medicines Australia Code of Conduct to uphold high standards of ethics that underpin the reputation of our industry.

It is our expectation, and that of our members and their global headquarters, that the media outlets we work with adhere to the principles of the MEAA Journalist Code of Ethics.

Medicines Australia reserves the right to not work with individuals or media companies that disregard these principles.