How to search for payments made to Healthcare Professionals
Medicines Australia is very pleased to make available a database of Member companies’ payments and transfers of value for Australian healthcare professionals.
Accessible from, this database holds information on these payments and transfers of value for activities since 1 November 2018 and data will continue to be added every six months in line with the requirements of the Code of Conduct.

The information we provide helps Australian consumers to better understand the nature and extent of activities our Members support – in the interest of increasing the quality use of medicines, advancing patient care and supporting our local communities.
The innovative Australian medicines industry is putting patients first by showing the value of industry partnerships and taking the lead to boost transparency. The new Code requirements build on 55 years of successful, responsible, ethical industry self-regulation.
Background behind reporting payments to healthcare professionals
In May 2015, Medicines Australia’s 18th Edition of its Code of Conduct strengthened the requirements for reporting of payments by companies to healthcare professionals, for the provision of services and where support is provided for education.
Since October 2015, Medicines Australia member companies have been required to collect information about healthcare professionals who receive payments or educational support through airfares, accommodation or registration fees. For the first year, companies requested the agreement of the healthcare professionals received payments or educational support for their information to be published in a report. After 12 months of settling into the new system, the Code transitioned to mandatory reporting of these payments to healthcare professionals for member companies.
In August 2019, Medicines Australia launched the central reporting system that brings together all its member companies’ reports into a searchable platform available at
The Code requires transparency reports to be made publicly available for three years from the date of first publication.