Medicines Australia is a founding partner of the Continuity of Care Collaboration (CCC). The CCC is a communication collaboration and is made up of over 40 organisations of Peak Bodies, Industry and Healthcare Organisations coming together to stress the importance for people to continue with monitoring their health status and conditions to ensure optimal long term health outcomes are achieved. The CCC represents the broad healthcare ecosystem and is the first ever such collaboration.
The CCC is advocating for people to continue with their health management during the COVID-19 pandemic and preparing for the future. The aim is to communicate consistently the importance of people to keep a close watch on their ongoing health care and maintenance, and to not allow the ongoing COVID-19 crisis to prevent this crucial healthcare activity.
The CCC has been awarded the Best Public Health Initiative in the 2020 Prime Awards.
The CCC is advocating for people to continue with their health management during the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim is to communicate consistently the importance of looking after your health, whether that is managing a chronic health condition, getting preventative screening tests or pathology tests, or seeking immediate treatment and care if you have urgent and/or new symptoms.
The CCC has launched the #dontwaitmate campaign to help people, patients and carers in Australia feel safe to continue to go and see their doctor, nurse, pharmacist, allied health professional and dentist, and to also not put of tests such as blood tests, cancer screening or x-rays and scans.
Get involved and help us get the message out there. Social and comms toolkit is available here in Zip format. For more information on how you can get involved click here.
CCC Webinars