Medicines are integral to healthcare delivery helping Australians live longer and healthier lives, staying in the workplace, keeping out of hospital and positively contributing to the community and economy.

Thursday, 20th August 2020
Papers, Reports & Submissions

Thursday, 20th August 2020
Papers, Reports & Submissions

Thursday, 20th August 2020
Papers, Reports & Submissions

Thursday, 20th August 2020
Papers, Reports & Submissions
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Papers, Reports & Submissions

Clinical trials
Agreements, Indemnity & Compensation Guidelines

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Successful self-regulation
Medicines Australia’s Code of Conduct for advertising and promotion of prescription medicines has been internationally recognised for its effectiveness in regulating these activities.
Adherence to the Code of Conduct is a requirement of membership of Medicines Australia.
The Code of Conduct Committee, with medical, legal and consumer representatives, has the power to direct withdrawal of advertising, require letters of clarification and impose company fines for breaches of the Code.
The Medicines Australia Special Purpose Fund has been established, with funds derived from the surplus of fine income (minus the administrative costs of running the Code of Conduct).
Clinical Trials Overview

Clinical Trial Brochure

Clinical Trial Principals