Australians share industry concerns on PBS and new medicines
A new Galaxy poll of people taking prescription medicines released today reveals that Australians overwhelmingly support the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, support R&D and are concerned about delays in accessing new medicines.
“This survey shows that the medicines industry’s concerns about protecting the PBS and ensuring new medicines are made available quickly are shared by the Australian community,” said Medicines Australia Chief Executive, Dr Brendan Shaw.
“When 86% of people say that the PBS is a good use of taxpayers’ money, this is a strong signal that the community supports the current scheme.
“That 80% of people are concerned about reports of delays in listing new medicines on the PBS is a wakeup call.
“It proves that the concerns the industry has raised about the efficiency of the PBS listing process are shared by the Australian public.
“Australians are really concerned if they think they are missing out on new medicines for things like cancer, diabetes and rare diseases compared to other countries.
“A majority of Australians also believe that pharmaceutical R&D will improve the treatment of their condition in the future, which suggests that Australians value the $1 billion invested in R&D each year by the Australian medicines industry.
“Australians recognise the value of the PBS, the value of the medicines on it, and the value of the investment in developing these medicines.”
Key findings from the survey include:
- 51% of Australian adults take a prescription medicine daily – equivalent to 9 million adult Australians
- 86% of Australians taking a medicine think the PBS is a good investment of taxpayer dollars
- 80% of Australians taking a medicine are concerned about reports that there are delays in accessing new medicines in Australia compared with other countries, and
- 60% of Australians taking a medicine believe that pharmaceutical R&D will improve the treatment of their condition in the future.
The survey of 1,000 Australians taking a prescription medicine daily conducted by Galaxy and sponsored by research firm Ethical Strategies and trade journal Pharma Dispatch.
Contact Person:
Alex Chapman
Phone: (02) 8281 3204