Chairman of Medicines Australia
Medicines Australia today announced that its Chairman, Dr Martin Cross, will retire from the Board upon the conclusion of the current Board term on 20 October 2015.
Dr Cross was appointed to the Board of Medicines Australia and made Chairman in 2013 after nearly 30 years in the global pharmaceutical industry.
Among the positive progress made for the sector during the period of Dr Cross’ leadership has been the:
- Re-launch of the Access to Medicines Working Group which is finalising new frameworks for the Managed Access Programme and Post Marketing Reviews and meeting regularly to progress PBS policy improvements
- Recognition by government of the sector is one of five identified in its Innovation and Competitiveness Agenda and the development of an Industry Growth Centre
- Extensive consultation, authorisation and implementation of the 18th Edition of the Code of Conduct which includes sector-leading transparency
- Development of a new, regular industry report, COMPARE, which factually confirms and highlights time to access first-in-class medicines in Australia relative to comparable OECD nations
- Progress being made towards a faster, simpler, national approach to the set-up of clinical trials
Amidst these impressive achievements, Dr Cross also recently expressed to members his disappointment at the failure to reach a Strategic Agreement with government this year and his concern about the impacts of Budget related cuts on the sector.
A new Board of Medicines Australia will be announced at the association’s Annual General Meeting on 20 October and that Board will bring renewal, including to the role of Chairman.
Dr Cross will remain a great friend of and strong advocate for this sector and will continue to serve the health of the Australian people through his extensive involvement with corporate and community boards.
The Board, Staff and Membership of Medicines Australia thanks Dr Cross for his strong leadership, dedication and service over the last two years and we wish him, Anna and their family every continued happiness and success.
James Boyce
Phone: 0423 239 265