Medicines Australia announces election priorities
Medicines Australia today released Medicines Matter to Australians, a summary of election policy priorities identified by the innovative pharmaceuticals industry.
The document calls on an incoming Government to:
- Commit to implementing the program of PBS reform, to ensure sustainability of our medicines system.
- Resolve critical issues surrounding timely access to medicines, and PBS funding of new medicines.
- Substantially raise the threshold at which Cabinet approval of new PBS listings is required.
- Work with industry to deliver investment to grow the number of high-wage, highly-skilled research and manufacturing jobs in the pharmaceutical industry, and provide incentives to attract global investment.
Medicines Australia chief executive Ian Chalmers said a new Government would have an important role to play in securing access to new medicines for Australian patients.
“Australians rightly expect universal, timely and affordable access to the latest and most promising medicines,” Mr Chalmers said.
“No Government can take for granted the PBS and the industry which discovers, develops and manufactures medicines.
“Investment in new medicines helps avoid costly treatment in other parts of our health system, and provides productivity benefits to the economy. Every dollar spent on medicines saves around $6 in other health costs.”
Mr Chalmers said he also looked forward to working with the incoming Government to attract global investment to Australia.
“Pressures from regional competitors to our research and manufacturing base in Australia are mounting and we need policy settings which secure greater onshore investment and innovation by the global industry locally,” Mr Chalmers said.
Medicines Matter to Australians is available from here 262k
Contact Person:
Jamie Nicholson
Media Communications Manager
Phone: 0419 220 293