Medicines Australia Chairman steps down

Mark Masterson, Chairman of Medicines Australia, today announced his resignation from the Medicines Australia board. Mr Masterson will be taking up a new business opportunity in a leadership role with a technology company.

The Medicines Australia board accepted with regret Mr Masterson’s resignation, which will take effect at the end of February, and wished him well in his future endeavours.

Mr Mark Fladrich, the managing director of AstraZeneca Australia and New Zealand and a Medicines Australia director, will be acting Chairman until a new independent Chair is appointed.

“It has been an enormous privilege to serve this great industry as Medicines Australia Chairman,” Mr Masterson said.

“The medicines industry in Australia has navigated some significant policy and business challenges during my tenure, and has shown extraordinary resilience in the face of those challenges.

“I thank the board for their support during my term as chairman and I wish Medicines Australia every success.”

Medicines Australia chief executive Dr Brendan Shaw said: “It has been a genuine pleasure working with Mark over the past year. He has provided solid stewardship of the board and the industry and has delivered great support to Medicines Australia.

“We understand his decision and wish him well for the future.”

The Medicines Australia board will shortly commence a search for a replacement independent Chair.


Contact Person:

Jamie Nicholson
Media Communications Manager
Phone: 0419 220 293