Medicines Australia supports robust global standard of industry conduct
Medicines Australia strongly supports the establishment of a robust global standard of industry conduct, chief executive Ian Chalmers said today.
Mr Chalmers was responding to the release today of a report produced by Consumers International on the pharmaceutical industry’s marketing practices.
“This report is about marketing practices in developing countries,” Mr Chalmers said.
“Medicines Australia has no jurisdiction over the practices of overseas pharmaceutical companies.
“However, what Medicines Australia can do – and is doing – is to lead by example, demonstrating our strong commitment to the highest ethical standards.
“This is an area in which Medicines Australia is showing resolute leadership. We are already working actively with an IFPMA [International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations] code communication network to encourage a robust global standard for Codes of Conduct throughout IFPMA member countries.
“For example, we have given presentations at two international industry meetings this year, in Singapore and Hong Kong, aimed at advising and assisting companies in Asia-Pacific countries in bringing their Codes of Conduct up to the IFPMA standard.
“The fact is that in Australia, pharmaceutical companies set a very high bar in terms of business ethics. Medicines Australia member companies are bound by a strict Code of Conduct, which prohibits gifts, entertainment and extravagant hospitality – as does the IFPMA Code of Conduct.
“In Australia we don’t use direct-to-consumer advertising to promote medicines, we work cooperatively within an extremely robust and effective regulatory framework, and we’re committed to transparency.
“It’s important to remember that our industry exists to help make people better. Our priority is to ensure Australians have timely and affordable access to medicines that are appropriate, effective and safe.”
Contact Person:
Jamie Nicholson
Media Communications Manager
Phone: 0419 220 293