Medicines Australia welcomes Pharmacy Guild’s Ask Your Pharmacist campaign

Medicines Australia chief executive Mr Ian Chalmers today welcomed the Pharmacy Guild’s “Ask Your Pharmacist Week” initiative.

The public awareness campaign is launched today and encourages customers to acknowledge the contributions pharmacists make to the health of the community.

The campaign urges customers to “Ask Your Pharmacist” for Consumer Medicine Information (CMI) about medicines that are dispensed at pharmacies.

Consumer Medicine Information leaflets are written by pharmaceutical manufacturers specifically to help patients use medicines safely and effectively.

“I congratulate the Pharmacy Guild on this important initiative,” Mr Chalmers said.

“It’s a terrific example of how innovative pharmaceutical companies and the Guild are working together to ensure consumers get the best possible health outcomes from their medicines.

“It’s hugely important for patients to ask their pharmacists for Consumer Medicine Information. This is information that has been prepared by pharmaceutical manufacturers specifically for the consumer.

“Medicines used properly work better, and no one knows more about medicines than the people who make them.

“I strongly encourage all Australians to ask their pharmacist for the relevant Consumer Medicine Information leaflet when they are having a prescription filled.”

Ask Your Pharmacist Week runs from 17-24 August


Contact Person:

Jamie Nicholson
Media Communications Manager
Phone: 0419 220 293