New Chief Executive appointed to Medicines Australia

The Medicines Australia Board announced today that it has appointed Mr Tim James as the new Chief Executive for the organisation.

Mr James will replace outgoing Chief Executive, Dr Brendan Shaw, who finished in his role on 12 September to take up a senior role with the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations (IFPMA) in Geneva.

Medicines Australia Chairman, Dr Martin Cross, welcomed the appointment of Mr James to the position.

“I’m very happy to announce Tim’s appointment as Chief Executive,” Dr Cross said.

“He brings a wealth of experience in government and policy, professional services as well as the medicines industry to the new role,” Dr Cross said.

“Tim has extensive experience working within both government and in the medicines industry. He understands the opportunities and challenges facing our industry and will be a great asset to Medicines Australia.

“The Board is delighted with the appointment and looks forward to working with Tim to help progress the policy agenda for Australia’s medicines industry.

“There are many issues the industry needs to work on with government and the broader community such as ensuring Australians continue to have timely access to the latest medicines in the future, maintaining the viability of the business environment, and helping build the medicines industry as a key contributor to Australia’s economic future.

“Tim is well placed to take Medicines Australia forward in the future on these important issues.”

Mr James is currently Chief of Staff to the Hon Anthony Roberts MP, Minister for Resources and Energy and Special Minister of State in the New South Wales State Government. Previously Tim worked in the pharmaceutical industry for several Medicines Australia member companies, as well as earlier being a lawyer and an auditor. He also worked as a staffer for former Prime Minister, the Hon John Howard MP and the Hon Joe Hockey MP. He holds a range of academic and professional qualifications, including an MBA from AGSM.

Mr James will commence his new role at Medicines Australia on 20 October.

Dr Cross will be acting Chief Executive in the period from Dr Shaw’s departure on 12 September through to Mr James’ commencement on 20 October.


Contact Person:

Dr Martin Cross
Phone: (02) 6122 8501