New explainer videos to educate Australians about the PBS

12 December 2024: Medicines Australia has developed two new explainer videos to educate Australians about the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) and the regulatory and reimbursement process.

The first video explains how the PBS works, its history, and the delays that Australians experience in accessing new medicines through the PBS. 

The second video outlines how medicines are developed, and the process they go through in Australia to be registered by the TGA and then listed on the PBS.

Medicines Australia CEO Liz de Somer said there is low awareness in Australia about how the PBS works and its limitations.

“The Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme and the systems that sit behind it, including the Health Technology Assessment, are complex and opaque. This was highlighted through the HTA review and called out in its final report as one of the drivers for reform,” Ms de Somer said.

“As we move into HTA implementation, and advocate for the full package of reforms identified by the Review, people need to understand why reforms are needed.”

“We know that Australians value the PBS but most people are not aware there is a delay of 466 days on average from the time a new medicine is approved for use by the TGA to when it is made available on the PBS. Many people also don’t realise that some medicines don’t come to Australia at all because of the complexities of our systems.”

“These short videos have been developed as a hook to begin explaining to Australians what the problem is and why change is needed. It’s important that more people understand the time and expense that goes into research and development, and the steps that companies go through to have a medicine approved for use in Australia and then made available through the PBS.”

The videos will be used as part of the Stronger PBS campaign and will be promoted on social media channels and other digital platforms over the coming months.

The videos were created by Elastic Group and are available at

View the videos on YouTube:

About the PBS

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