Medicines Australia provides support for bushfire-affected communities
Medicines Australia, the peak body for the innovative medicines industry, will donate $150,000 to the Red Cross bushfire appeal and Rare Cancers Facemasks for Firies appeal to support communities affected by the ongoing bushfire crisis.
“It has been heartbreaking to see the devastation unfolding due to Australia’s ongoing bushfire emergency which has tragically claimed lives, destroyed properties, displaced communities and had a terrible impact on our wildlife,” Medicines Australia CEO, Elizabeth de Somer said.
“In recognition of the scale of this disaster, Medicines Australia will be donating $150,000 to the Australian Red Cross bushfire appeal and the Rare Cancers Facemasks for Firies appeal.
“Beyond these measures announced today, we have been working closely with the Department of Health and the NSW and Victorian health organisations to ensure that supply of critical medicines is not interrupted to these affected communities at a hospital, pharmacy and individual level,” Ms de Somer said.
This donation is in addition to others within the innovative medicines industry who have also pledged to support bushfire victims through financial donations, prescription and non-prescription medicines, breathing equipment and personal care items.
Medicines Australia and the medicines industry will continue to work with the effected communities and the State and Federal governments to support access to medicines during this difficult time.
Further enquiries:
Natalie Wimmer,
Media and Communications Manager,
Medicines Australia